viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2022


Well, i have been studying journalism for four years now so i've noticed about some changes that i would do in the curriculum of this career. 

About two months ago i was in the class talking with a teacher and she told to the class about her opinion of the learning system in journalism. She mentioned that this career should last two or three years at most, considering all theoretical things taught on class. Then it's all about the practice on the strees or in general, just staring to do all the practical that a jousnalist can do (not necessarily in media). 

The things that she told me made me think about that and I agreed with her. Considering the classes I have taken, some of them were unnecesarry or just were not useful for me. From my point of view and experience, I have truly learned applying (or practicing) the things that a journalist should do, what my job should be in the future. 

I guess that some classes that are set in the curriculum teach us about theories, currents and academic information. But talking with my classmates and friends, iv'e noticed that those classes are tedious and dense for them, including me. It takes a too much time to read academic texts and understand them. 

3 comentarios:

  1. I am not agree with the years that the career should last, because the journalism is an important job.

  2. I think it's cool that you are questioning the length of the course and on the other hand it is true that we need more practical courses than theoretical ones.

  3. Hello, I do not have a clear opinion about the years of duration of the career, but I do think that priority should be given to practical courses that we DO PRACTICE. I also consider the basic training courses tedious, but I recognize that they help critical thinking, I think that perhaps they should be taught with a focus on current events, I have had courses with professors who teach it that way, and it is very practical.



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