viernes, 26 de agosto de 2022

Practice Post

In my opinion, the best places to go in Santiago are the open places and by that i mean parks. Santiago it's a very populated area and the rhythm of the city is very fast, so it's common when people get stressed around here. For m, parks can be a place where people might get to feel relaxed and forget abour their worries for a little bit. 

Some of Santiago's parks are cerro San Cristóbal, Cerro Santa Lucía, Parque Forestal, Parque Quinta Normal (you can find that in the same commune), Parque Bustamante, and some others. For the first one people to get there from JGM can take the bus 506 and then walk a little bit to get there. For Santa Lucia and Forestal you can take the same bus, due to Forestal it's close to Santa Lucía. To Parque Quinta Normal people can take the subway. For Parque Bustamante it can take the bus as well.

I think that the best transportation to move around the city the city it's a car because you can see the scenary, the house, the infrastructure around, a lot of things. Altought it can be difficult by the traffict. 


Since I don't have been thought about a bucket list, i'm going to improvised. I always liked the idea or the action of experience ne...